# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Vampire Hideout Houses Fliggerty 2013-03-13 Inkog92 Vampire Hideout
I made this mod shortly after I started to use vampire embrace and vampire realism, and I therefore made this mod intending for it to go along with them, but it should also be suitable for other shady characters. This mod adds a secret hideout beneath the St. Delyn canton with hi...
The Secret Hideout Houses MMH 2008-03-03 Elder Mage S Adds a underground hideout to Seyda Neen and Vivec, Foreign Quarter Canalworks.  
To enter the Hideout talk to Maggy, who is near Fargoth's house beside the bridge in Seyda Neen, who will teleport you  
Or you can enter through th...
Secret Vampire Hideout Houses MMH 2011-05-04 inkog92 Secret Vampire Hideout  
I made this mod shortly after I started to use vampire embrace and vampire realism, and I therefore made this mod intending for it to go along with them. This mod adds a secret hideout for vampires beneath the St. Delyn canton with hidden exits both...
Secret Hideout Houses MMH 2014-09-20 Bantari Bantari's "Secret Hideout" version 5.05b
Balmora Underground Lair v.85 Houses MMH 2008-02-10 13thgamer This once was a completely hidden and secret hideout your Great Grandfather (supposedly) used when during the storms and in other emergencies (like a safe house). You have remodeled it to be a training center for your needs. Your seller\keeper\collector guy collects and trains Uber-Glass-Wielding...